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Many of us are unaware that we resonate to the vibrations emitted by the colors around us. Sir Isaac Newton divided the light spectrum into seven colours and theorized that light consist of waves, and each colour of the spectrum operates at a different wavelength. Albert Einstein also experimented and concluded that the colours of the spectrum consist of small parcels of energy known as photons. Photons travels in waves and in shorter wavelength, the photons are compressed and have more energy and higher frequency as compared with longer wavelength with lower frequency. His further experiments concluded that the theories of the Pythagoras and ancient Egyptians were partly correct where colours were used to aid the body healing process.
These ancient civilizations built healing rooms with coloured crystals and when the sun shone, the crystals refracted the Sun’s light on the patient. Even in the west, medieval architects of churches and cathedral built the churches ceiling with coloured crystals. As Sun light shone through them, the people would be bathed in the different energy of the different colors. Similarly in the East, the Indian practice, Ayurveda, an ancient form of medicine practiced for thousands of years, is based on the idea that every individual contains five elements of the universe, which include: earth, water, air, fire, and ether (space). These elements are present in specific proportions unique to each individual, including their personality type and constitution. When these elements are out of balance, Ayurveda works with the energies inherent in the colors of the spectrum to restore this balance.
Colour Wheel
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Until today, the benefits of colour healing are still being recognised. Chromopaths, or more commonly known as colour healers are still very popular around the world. Interest in alternative remedies has also made Colour Therapy more popular and easily accepted. Most of them are inspired by Quantum Physicians Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Max Planck. The first colour wheel was invented by Sir Isaac Newton. He split white sunlight into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, and blue. He then joined the two ends of the color spectrum together to show the natural progression of colours. He even went a step further and associated each colour with a musical note.
In my next article, I will explain how the Colour Chart can help with the healing process of the body and how Colours can have a profound effects on us at every level.
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